Why are Brass Knuckles Associated with Gangsters and Street Fighting?

Maria zoe
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Brass Knuckle

Brass knuckles are a bladed weapon that generally consists of a closed metal loop with a finger-grip on the outer surface for an impact tool. First popularized in China, these weapons have been used as both weapons and tools; however, they have also frequently been used in self-defense where the user’s hands are too full to hold a weapon.”

How were Brass Knuckles Invented?

The making of knuckles was originally recorded in the 18th century by an Italian scientist, Giovanni Borelli. He wrote that these canes “are carefully made in such a manner as to cause more harm than the sword.” Soon after, this method of attacking became popular in both Europe and Asia.

The use of knuckles continued well into the 20th century. Considerable research has been done on this item, resulting in various theories about how they were used and created. The main theory depicts the story of two peasants fighting each other with their fists for control over some land or other prize like cattle or produce.

During their fighting, they dropped their swords and decided to hold their fists like clubs. They each grabbed a fist and attempted to punch the other but only fractured one of his hands. This left the two men baffled and they were not sure what to do next.

They sat down at a table and ate some food from a common bowl. Soon afterward, the story goes, one peasant put his left hand in his pocket and felt the item that he had picked up earlier on in the fight. It was made of brass and was shaped like knuckles or some sort of weapon.

Purpose of Knuckles:

Brass knuckles or knuckle dusters are a type of weapon that has been used for centuries in both self-defense and as an instrument of intimidation. It is typically worn on the hand and consists of a band or ribbon with small spikes jutting out from it. The wearer is able to punch through car windows and it can also be used to break free from handcuffs or restrain someone by damaging the throat or nose.

It is also used as a makeshift weapon during nightclub brawls because it can easily inflict damage, even if the individual doesn’t have any weapons on them. They have traditionally been associated with crime, particularly with gangsters who wear them while committing robberies and other violent crimes.

1. Wear by Gangsters:

Brass knuckles have always been associated with gangsters and criminals. They were traditionally worn by criminals to show other criminals that they are not afraid of the law and that their weapons are equally as strong as their weapons. They were also used to create a sense of intimidation for people who did not know about them or had never seen them.

They were also used by gangsters to show that they are capable of inflicting damage on the person wearing the knuckles while they are unarmed, without any weapons. In 1929, Harry “Pittsburgh Phil” Strauss (1905–1962) became known as “the man who knew how to throw punches”.

2. Street Fighting:

These knuckles have been a part of many street fights for the past century. They are easily concealable, can be thrown at an opponent, and can inflict serious damage if the opponent doesn’t know about them. During violent street fighting or a fistfight, knuckles can be used to inflict damage on opponents without weapons.

In 1931, when Babe Ruth was playing for the Boston Red Sox (1924), he got involved in an altercation where he punched two men with knuckles. One of these punch wounds was so severe that it made Babe Ruth miss the beginning of his next appearance because it almost caused him to bleed to death.

3. Self-Defense:

Self-defense is another use for brass knuckles. Since knuckles are worn as a part of the hand, they are not as easy to see as a weapon that would normally be concealed. They can be used to intimidate an attacker into backing down, or they can be used as a weapon of last resort if someone were being attacked by someone with a stronger weapon, such as a knife or gun.

Easily Used by Everyone!

Many people associate brass knuckles with men’s rights and masculinity, but this is not the case. Knuckle dusters can be used by either gender, they just happen to be more of a masculine or feminine symbol depending on how they are used.

There are many stereotypes surrounding knuckles that may not be true. They do not always have to mean masculinity or aggression, but in some cases can have a meaning of femininity or protection. This means women can use them for self-defense without being seen as aggressive themselves.



Maria zoe

I’m a Professional Content Blogger which writes and reviews about the best things.